In Reborn as a Bully By Joyon, the bustling city of Staari, Orion awakens in a new life as the spoiled, arrogant young master of a wealthy family. Reincarnated into the body of a notorious bully, Orion decides to change the fate of his alter-ego. Instead of succumbing to his dark reputation, he forges a new path—one where strength and cunning take center stage.
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Complete Summary of This Novel
As the city teeters on the brink of chaos, Orion realizes the world doesn’t need a hero to save it. What it needs is a bully—someone willing to bend rules, challenge conventions, and crush enemies without hesitation. Armed with the nascent soul of the Dark Angel of Revelations, a slumbering god of immense power, Orion embraces his destiny.
His powers grow quickly, fueled by the dark energy of the angel and his relentless ambition. With wits sharper than any blade, Orion builds alliances and uses an unlikely tool: a humble newspaper. Through its influence, he manipulates public opinion, uncovers hidden truths, and exposes his rivals.
Orion’s journey spans beyond the city. He sets his sights on conquering wealth, cities, and kingdoms, bringing order through sheer dominance. His rise is fast-paced and relentless, marked by calculated moves and daring risks. Even the religious order of this magical world isn’t safe from his grasp, as he unravels their secrets and claims power within their ranks.
Magic, strategy, and raw determination propel Orion from a reviled bully to the savior of Staari and beyond. Along the way, he faces romance, betrayal, and battles that test the limits of his powers. But Orion thrives in adversity, proving that even in a world of heroes and gods, a bully can rise to the top.
Reborn as a Bully is a thrilling blend of action, reincarnation, and kingdom-building. It’s perfect for readers who love fast-paced adventures, morally ambiguous characters, and tales of relentless conquest. Follow Orion as he rewrites destiny and reshapes a world, not as a hero, but as a force to be reckoned with.
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